How to safely watch a solar eclipse: Video
Sunglasses won’t cut it during a solar eclipse. Special eclipse glasses are crucial for safely observing the sun as the moon marches across the late morning and afternoon sky on April 8, covering more and more and then less and less of our star.
Associated Press
The state Department of Agriculture conducts annual inspections of food-serving businesses to ensure public safety and safe food-handling practices. Schools are inspected twice per year, according to the Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratories.
Whether an establishment is considered compliant or non-compliant is the discretion of the inspector.
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There are, however, several violations for which inspectors should automatically consider establishments non-compliant. Called “critical violations,” they include food temperature issues, employee hygiene and issues with chemicals and how they’re handled.
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Depending on the severity of the situation, inspectors and their supervisors could file citations or close an establishment.
Inspection Violations: 2/8/2024
- The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection.
- An open employee’s beverage container was observed on a shelf above a prep table in the back cook area, a food preparation area. Also, a pack of cigarettes, keys, cell phone and cell phone charger. Corrected on site.
- Observed raw fish stored over uncovered cooked meats (ready-to-eat) were stored above ready to eat foods in the walk-in cooler.
- Observed numerous foods in the walk-in and upright freezing and cooling units throughout the kitchen, stored open with no covering. (Cooked whole chickens, pasta, beef, sauces, coleslaw, too numerous to mention)
- Observed ice used as a coolant in the stored assorted fish in the baine marie on the main cook line and the walk-in cooler.
- Food dispensing utensils in the large rolling flour and sugar bins, observed stored in the food and not with handle above the top of the food and the container. Also, dispensing utensils were not removed and cleaned on a daily basis.
- Some, not all, foods stored in all cooling units are not marked with the date opened or prepared.
- Temperature measuring device for ensuring proper temperature of equipment is not available or readily accessible in some, not all equipment.
- The temperature measuring device for measuring mechanical warewashing and sanitizing water temperatures was not reading correctly. Water was temped at 120 degrees and probe thermometer and gauge was reading 80 degrees after seven cycle runs.
- Observed the following on food contact surfaces and not clean to sight or touch: Ice machine with pink and brown mold-like substance on the interior crash bar and black mold-like substance on the interior ice making housing. Wooden rolling pin with dried dough stored directly on a dirty shelf in the first white cabinet near the back cook line. Manual can opener with heavy accumulation of dried food debris on the blade and housing. Also, the table mounted manual can opener with heavy accumulation of dried food debris. Three knives and a food saw stored in a wall mounted hanger with food debris on all equipment stored and food debris on mounted hanger. Wire brush used to clean panini grill with accumulation of food debris and not being cleaned daily to prevent contamination.
- Observed ceiling vents and floor drains throughout the facility, with an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, debris on non-food contact surfaces.
- Observed walk-in freezer with heavy accumulation of food debris on the entire floor and in need of cleaning. Also observed ice build-up from the fan units and wiring and dripping on the food stored below. Observed dried ice cream on the interior bottom of the ice cream freezer and not clean to sight or touch. Observed underside of cappuccino dispenser with dried debris on the underside of the dispensing housing with the possibility to contaminate.
- Non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil.
- Observed missing tiled cove molding and wall joint at the opening entrance to the walk-in cooler in need of repair.
- Old unused equipment stored in dish room and drawer in the back cook line area should be removed from food facility.
Inspection Violations: 2/3/2024
- The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection.
- Observed all spice shakers and bottles and large tubs/bins, ingredient storage containers, throughout the facility, is not labeled with the common name of the food.
- Observed three knives stored on a magnetic holder above the dirty dish side of the three bay sink area and subject to contamination through splash from rinsing dishes off.
- Observed a partial case of hoagie rolls and a case of small, bagged potato chips stored directly on the floor in assembly area, rather than 6 inches off of the floor, as required. Observed eight cases of food on the floor in the walk-in freezer, rather than 6 inches off of the floor, as required.
- Four plastic containers of meatballs with red sauce, was only reheated to 75 and 112 °F for hot holding and not 165°F for 15 seconds as required. Employee was temping product with probe touching the container instead of inserted into a meatball causing the re-heating temperature to be inaccurate.
- Four plastic containers of meatballs with red sauce were held at 72 and 112 °F, in the hot hold warmer area, rather than 135°F or above as required.
- Observed assorted foods being held at 49°F, in the True three door baine marie in the assembly area, rather than 41°F or below as required. Thermometer in unit was inaccurate and reading 20F. Pulled thermometer out of unit and was still not working.
- Temperature measuring device on the mechanical ware-washing machine in the back area was reading 110 degrees. After eight cycle runs of the machine, the probe I inserted in the water finally read 120 degrees, while the measuring device still read 110 degrees and is in need of repair.
- Food facility does not have available sanitizer test strips or test kit to determine appropriate sanitizer concentration.
- Observed three red deeply scored cutting boards not resurfaced or discarded as required at various areas of the assembly area in the front.
- Observed several large plastic tubs located on a shelf to the left of the three bay sink area, are not in good repair or condition (cracked, chipped and broken).
- Observed the following on food contact surfaces: Plug to slicer unit placed directly on clean catch area. Spoons, spatula, whisk, tongs with dried food residue, hanging on the wall over the single sink next to the dish-machine. Wall is not a clean surface, also causing contamination to these utensils. Peeler and corer hung over the three bay sink with dried food debris on utensils and not clean to sight or touch. Two plastic tubs on a shelf to the left of the three bay sink area with lids stored. Accumulation of dried crumbs coming in contact with the lids, bottles and shakers stored inside. Three containers on a shelf to the left of the three bay sink area with food debris inside of the containers coming in contact with the lids stored inside.
- Observed the mini mayor automatic toaster on the counter in the front assembly area with heavy accumulation of dried breadcrumbs under the open conveyor portion of the unit, with the possibility to contaminate food being toasted. Discussed with PIC and he stated they do not take this unit apart to clean it. Observed heavy accumulation of dried food debris, crumbs, trash, and rags in the space between the walk-in cooler and walk-in freezer units. Observed an accumulation of heavy static dust on the wall above the dish-machine and three bay sink area, including the piping and wiring to dish-machine, with the possibility to contaminate clean dishes below. Observed ceiling tiles, light covers, and ceiling vents in the front and back of the food facility, with accumulation of static dust over food prep, cook and assembly areas with the possibility to contaminate food being prepared/stored/assembled below.
- Observed single-service, single-use articles stored in assembly area and on a shelf in the back prep area which were not in the original protective package or inverted to protect against contamination.
- Observed three cases (cups/lids) single-service, single-use articles stored in area directly on the floor at the entry to the back stock area, and not 6 inches above the floor. Observed a partial case of paper boats on the floor between the tables at the assembly line and not 6 inches above the floor as required.
Inspection Violations: 2/1/2024
- The Person in Charge did not demonstrate adequate knowledge of the PA Food Code as evidenced by incorrect responses to food safety questions.
- Fresh blackberries observed to be moldy and is adulterated. Corrected. Facility discarded food.
- Observed containers of yogurt mixes being stored on floor of refrigerator units that had clogged drains causing pooling of water which was subjecting yogurt containers to potential contamination.
- Refrigerated ready to eat, time/temperature control for safety food – cut melon, kiwi prepared in the food facility and held for more than 24 hours is not being date marked.
- The quaternary ammonia concentration in the sanitizing solution of the 3-bay warewash sink was 100 ppm, rather than 200-400 ppm as stated on the manufacturers use directions.
- Observed inside walls and floor of refrigerator units holding containers of yogurt mixes with an accumulation of dirt, food residue, debris on non-food contact surfaces.
- Observed surfaces of carts being used to transport food with accumulation of old food residue and soil accumulation.
- Observed boxes of opened single use gloves, spoons, and cups stored in back-room area directly on the floor, and not 6 inches above the floor.
- Food facility has an employee who held a Certified Food Manager certificate; however, the certificate has expired and is no longer valid.
- Handwashing sink located in food service area was not operational at the time of this inspection. Water had been turned off due to a leak. Corrected. Facility turned on water.
- Old food residue, dishes and utensils observed in the handwash sink, indicating uses other than handwashing. Corrected.
- Soap was not available at the handwash sink in the food service area. Corrected.
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